I really do not understand it when someone who knows that they should be passing on a message to the masses, and should be looking for positive ways to enhance his/her life and those of others resorts to violence and chaos!
What is happening to some of our local musicians??!! This is now affecting the industry and people are even getting the guts to put up discussions such as "The ways in which musicians are affecting the youths' aspirations and direction today". What??? Seriously??? I do not believe it. This is ridiculous.
Yes, you might say we are all human but when we choose to do what we do, which puts us in the public eye, we must expect that there are many people who look up to us and we must try and live up to it. We may slip sometimes, but, always repeating the same mistake is sheer stubbornness, hooliganism and lack of self respect and respect for others... The way you treat people around you really tells how you feel about yourself and the sort of person you are... Please, let us be more positive, more inspirational and let us gear the youths to the right direction. We are not perfect but we can only try to do what's right and appropriate. Hatred is a tool of destruction; let's not let it be a part of our hearts. This goes out to all other public figures: politicians, artists, journalists and so on. As long as you know you stand out from the crowd, you have a role to play in this world. I can't say no more.
These are my sentiments, what are yours?
quite spot on...what more can i say other than the Good teachers words..."let your light shine"