Monday, December 17, 2012


Emptiness is what I feel sometimes...
Can't fight it, no matter how much I try,
My body quivers as I shiver
I try to speak but words fail me
"Oh if only I could say it", I think to myself.

I scream my lungs out
Fall to the ground almost lifeless
Then begin to shake,
I am not dying,
I am crying...
and crying...
and crying.

Is it better to be dead than hurt this much?
I ask,
Is it better to be dead than hurt this much?
The pain I feel is intense
The void is immense
Pluck my heart out of me
These emotions I do not want.

How else will you know the feeling?
What feeling?
The feeling of love
The feeling of anything.
Without the heart
We are nothing.
I feel emptiness sometimes
But this is life
This moment shall pass.


  1. Aaaarrrreeee YOU Okay?????????

  2. @ Spades: Lol... yes I am ok. But to be honest, I do feel like that sometimes and I know there are people out there that go through the same.

    1. yes,,, thats what i feel right now.

    2. @Tet decastro: Don't worry.... the feeling will pass. Cry if u must & let out the emotion. It's better to accept how u feel than ignore it & try to bottle it up coz then it only gets worse. Hit me up here once you're feeling better. xxx :)
