Wednesday, January 13, 2016


So it was the first week of January 2016, and I was featuring in newspapers again. There was an article about my work as Manager at Skylux Lounge (a posh club in Nairobi), in The Standard’s Pulse Magazine. Then this led to my Ugandan media catching on and also sharing with my country what I am up to.
I told you 2016 will be a year of triple blessings. God speed! 
The Standard- Pulse Magazine (Kenya)
In the past, my family and friends were so used to seeing me in newspapers, magazines, on TV and hearing me on radio that when I took that TIME OUT I told you about in my previous blog, they would personally call to check on me because now, they wouldn’t know what was going on in my life. LOL! There is a time I had grown wary of all the media attention. I felt I had no privacy and I hated the blatant lies some tabloids would write about me. I practically used to hide from the press but only appear where I had to, for example, film festivals, Award shows, interviews and the like. Media love has its ups and its perks. I now understand why some people say, “No press is bad press”. It is what you make it really. Bottom line is—you are a subject—you are being talked about which means you are relevant. So put a sock in it and stop sulking because they have written that you were dumped by your partner. Enjoy the attention and look at the bright side, they spared space in their paper for you because you matter. 
The New Vision -Uganda
As a writer myself, I know what it entails to get someone to feature as a story. I was the staff writer cum Celebrity & Features Editor for African Woman magazine for eight years. I also contribute occasionally for Drum Magazine.

I believe in writing articles/interviews that uplift people and motivate others, but just like a coin has two sides to it, there are writers who love to be very controversial. They write attacking stories and create some juicy ones that may not necessarily be true. Yes, all our articles are read, but most times, the controversial ones sell more. Why? My guess is people love gossip. Not everyone wants to know how well Obama is doing and how great he may be as President. That is not news. But imagine if tomorrow, the front page of a top newspaper/magazine had a headline saying, “Obama caught in bed with another woman”, ho! That story would sell like hot cake. It is life. Sadistic as it may sound, most people dwell on other people’s pain. Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves, who knows. In my view, nobody is perfect.
Anyway, back to the article about me, and where I work. The writer was featuring Entertainment club managers. It is a good article pointing out how hard we work. Thank you, dear media, for the support.
Skylux Lounge is one of the coolest clubs I know in Nairobi. Being its Operations & Marketing manager is no piece of pie but I am embracing every experience it brings my way. I have a great team to work with and my directors are supportive and the kind of individuals one can learn a lot from.
So, come by SKYLUX when you have the chance. We open on Fridays & Saturdays but in the future, we plan to open on Wednesdays and Thursdays too. I will keep you posted. Skylux is Nairobi’s nightlife therapy. 
Follow Skylux on,
 Twitter & Instagram: @SKYLUX_LOUNGE

Cleopatra. (Twitter & Instagram: @CleopatraCK)

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