Back in the day when I was just in senior one in a school that was known to be one of the the toughest and harsh shules....... I mean we dug moulds of sweet potatoes, slashed and raked the school compound, fetched water from the pump.... how easy do you think all these were? We were kids!!! So anyway, I was saying, a little girl I was, new to this world of 'labour' and it was only a matter of time before I found a way out-I joined the school editorial team, so as others slashed, dug and so on, we who loved to read and write did just that. We came up with articles to feature on the school mirror as it used to be called.
That is besides the point I'm writing this. Back to the issue. I was a little girl and you know how most kids hate anything to do with boy-girl or even insinuating that a boy was with a girl under a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Hooooooooo! Tears would go streaming down the victims' faces (the two being teased) and they would hate each other for a long time until they grew up and realised, it's normal.
Now my story.... taking long to get to the point, eh? Then why are you still reading? LOL. Ok. So in my senior one, it was my first time in boarding school, I hardly spoke Luganda besides English and Swahili (having lived a while in TZ) plus of course my mother tongue which you know. You don't? Check my surname.
The first day I went to class, this group of boys stared at me as they whispered to each other, then one of them walked towards me and said hello. I quickly responded and got my novel which I suddenly wished I could disappear into. I pretended to read with deep concentration. He went on to tell me his name and I was thinking "GO AWAY" but I looked up and said, "I'm Cleopatra." He smiled and walked back to his friends who cheered and from then on, this boy would call me his mugole (bride). This is what he would say in Kinyarwanda but forgive me if I spell something wrong, am not conversant with this beautiful language, "Biite umugore wangye?" (How are you my bride?) Oh how I hated his guts! But now, we are friends and we laugh about those naive innocent days. Besides, he was cute. No, we never dated.
Recently this is a conversation I overheard as I sat at a coffee place typing away on my laptop. Hot guy is making a move on hot chick as his friend looks on and says a few words to emphasise a point on behalf of his gango (buddy). This is what sparked my senior one experience, note that the words in brackets are my thoughts and reactions except those in { } Here is what I heard:
Hot gal: I know guys like you. (she says to hot guy's friend) You never tell the truth. You stick up for your friends.
Hot guy: So do you like what you see?... Me? (what a stuck up @#$%^&, I think to myself as I type on)
Hot gal: Of course! (Whaaaaat? I'm thinking has she gone coocoos?) Yo a charmer! It's hard for me to believe you though. ( Now my ears are really alert coz this is just absurd)
Hot guy: OK.... I have lost words!
Hot gal: Sweet face, sweet smile, sweet words, gosh! It's too much. (Banange! woman, control yourself!)
Hot guy: Sweet YOU! I think I really like you but I don't know what we gonna do. (Huh?)
Hot gal: Uhhhhh..... Ummmmmmm {she's speechless}
Hot guy: Well? {insisting} You know you like me... don't you? (Meanwhile, his friend is keeping himself busy on an iPod pretending not to be listening so that the gal is not uneasy. The hot dude licks his lips slowly as he leers at her)
Hot gal: You pass off as nasty at times! (Oh, you've met before? Ma bad.) Then you make me think and wonder....
Hot guy: So are we gonna make love or what? (EH! EH! EH! This brotha is a smooth fast criminal)
Hot gal: NO!
Hot guy: Kiss?
Hot gal: Is that what you want? (EH!) What exactly do you want from me?
Hot guy: YOU... but then I can't help to imagine making love with you... It's better with no one but you because we have a connection... we don't see it but we feel it. you mean so much to me... You'd rather sleep with one like me coz at least am myself... BUT I REALLY LIKE YOU!
Hot gal: Wow!
Hot guy: Yeah... Wow!
By this time, I had shut down my laptop and had to get up and leave so I missed finding out how this Romeo & Juliette ended their chat. Eh! We need prayers if men are making moves like this.... and women are responding like this.... Whatever happend to taking things slow? NBM anyone?
What happened after I left? Your guess is as good as mine. At least she didn't hate his guts.
The conversations we overhear usually aren't for our ears. :-)
That is besides the point I'm writing this. Back to the issue. I was a little girl and you know how most kids hate anything to do with boy-girl or even insinuating that a boy was with a girl under a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Hooooooooo! Tears would go streaming down the victims' faces (the two being teased) and they would hate each other for a long time until they grew up and realised, it's normal.
Now my story.... taking long to get to the point, eh? Then why are you still reading? LOL. Ok. So in my senior one, it was my first time in boarding school, I hardly spoke Luganda besides English and Swahili (having lived a while in TZ) plus of course my mother tongue which you know. You don't? Check my surname.
The first day I went to class, this group of boys stared at me as they whispered to each other, then one of them walked towards me and said hello. I quickly responded and got my novel which I suddenly wished I could disappear into. I pretended to read with deep concentration. He went on to tell me his name and I was thinking "GO AWAY" but I looked up and said, "I'm Cleopatra." He smiled and walked back to his friends who cheered and from then on, this boy would call me his mugole (bride). This is what he would say in Kinyarwanda but forgive me if I spell something wrong, am not conversant with this beautiful language, "Biite umugore wangye?" (How are you my bride?) Oh how I hated his guts! But now, we are friends and we laugh about those naive innocent days. Besides, he was cute. No, we never dated.
Recently this is a conversation I overheard as I sat at a coffee place typing away on my laptop. Hot guy is making a move on hot chick as his friend looks on and says a few words to emphasise a point on behalf of his gango (buddy). This is what sparked my senior one experience, note that the words in brackets are my thoughts and reactions except those in { } Here is what I heard:
Hot gal: I know guys like you. (she says to hot guy's friend) You never tell the truth. You stick up for your friends.
Hot guy: So do you like what you see?... Me? (what a stuck up @#$%^&, I think to myself as I type on)
Hot gal: Of course! (Whaaaaat? I'm thinking has she gone coocoos?) Yo a charmer! It's hard for me to believe you though. ( Now my ears are really alert coz this is just absurd)
Hot guy: OK.... I have lost words!
Hot gal: Sweet face, sweet smile, sweet words, gosh! It's too much. (Banange! woman, control yourself!)
Hot guy: Sweet YOU! I think I really like you but I don't know what we gonna do. (Huh?)
Hot gal: Uhhhhh..... Ummmmmmm {she's speechless}
Hot guy: Well? {insisting} You know you like me... don't you? (Meanwhile, his friend is keeping himself busy on an iPod pretending not to be listening so that the gal is not uneasy. The hot dude licks his lips slowly as he leers at her)
Hot gal: You pass off as nasty at times! (Oh, you've met before? Ma bad.) Then you make me think and wonder....
Hot guy: So are we gonna make love or what? (EH! EH! EH! This brotha is a smooth fast criminal)
Hot gal: NO!
Hot guy: Kiss?
Hot gal: Is that what you want? (EH!) What exactly do you want from me?
Hot guy: YOU... but then I can't help to imagine making love with you... It's better with no one but you because we have a connection... we don't see it but we feel it. you mean so much to me... You'd rather sleep with one like me coz at least am myself... BUT I REALLY LIKE YOU!
Hot gal: Wow!
Hot guy: Yeah... Wow!
By this time, I had shut down my laptop and had to get up and leave so I missed finding out how this Romeo & Juliette ended their chat. Eh! We need prayers if men are making moves like this.... and women are responding like this.... Whatever happend to taking things slow? NBM anyone?
What happened after I left? Your guess is as good as mine. At least she didn't hate his guts.
The conversations we overhear usually aren't for our ears. :-)
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