This is what gets to me; the long lists of 'curtain-raisers' who have to go on stage to do their thing before the 'famous' singer appears. I mean, in some instances, it's ok to have a big name sing before you, the artiste launching. Let me make this clearer with an example, and I insist, this is just an example, ok? Don't hold me to it. Ahem!
If Bobi Wine has an album launch, it would be kawa (ok) if he has other artistes like Bebe Cool, Juliana or Peter Miles & Menshan step on the stage and hype the crowd with their great energy and captivating songs, (here comes...) But if it's like say, S... B.... C..... (ok, let me not mention names here) an artiste that's not yet popular on the entertainment scene in Uganda alone, meaning the rest of East Africa also has no idea who this artiste is, then why in your right mind would you go ahead and announce an album launch? First make your name or mark in the industry because like now, you have to do the following:
One: You need big-name singers to be on your poster so that you draw attention to your show. Two: You charge like Ugshs. 20,000 yet you're not even sure if people will turn up. (Will they really be willing to pay this dime?)
Three: Finally when it's the D-day of the launch, all the hot names such as Mowzey Radio & Weasel, Blu 3, Bebe Cool, Navio, Cindy, HB Toxic, GNL Zamba and more perform.
MC says, "Lovely guests, it is now time for the one and only ..........(names withheld)."
When this dear singer gets on stage, and note that it is now 1 am in the wee hours, most of the revellers are leaving or left immediately GNL went off the stage and this singer performs to a crowd of about... guess? That's right, thirty people- am exaggerating? Ok. Fifty people. They are less than thirty and fifty? Fine. My point is, the venue will almost be empty! If you know your curtain-raisers are far more important or have bigger musical careers than you, then do this;
Perform first, and the rest follow..... this way, everyone will have watched you perform and will even get to know you are worthy of their appreciation-that's if you put up a good show and can actually hold a tune. (Story for another day) LOL!
One more trick to do is: If you really want to know your fan base, HAVE NO CURTAIN-RAISERS on your poster! I must say big up to Navio for this one. Those of you who saw his posters, can you tell me if you knew who was going to 'curtain-raise'? Exactly. The poster was all about Navio and his Half the Legend concert going to take place at Kati Kati grounds. The artistes who featured in his show actually have songs with him and the sole purpose they came on stage was to perform these hits like Bugumu Rmx, Burrn, All I wanna know, Salooni, etc with the hip hop brotha. Those of you who attended know what I'm talking about.
Anyway, my lovely meal is calling and my stomach is grumbling, BUT remember, make it ALL ABOUT YOU. No, I am not running a promotion for Uganda Telecom but hey, your concert or launch should be ALL ABOUT YOU, and the rest follow or else, you will stay in the shadows...
Hey, do you know the track In the Shadows by a rock band called THE RASMUS? That's the song in my head right now...
Well they must take Navio's swag coz it's rill i know all guys feel it but they don't want to tell in public.. Please g do on with the observations that was cool of!!!
ReplyDeleteRegards Debootman hala bac catch me if you can!!